Saturday, July 16, 2011

Was i wrong?....was he wrong?...?

Me and my father havent had the best history together. we've always gotten along better when we dont live together. but after a really hard divorce(i was in a abusive relationship) i had to move back home with my 2 year old daughter. we lived in a nice 3 bedroom place with room enough for everyone, and a huge yard a dog a cat ect..well like i said me and my dad dont get along. hes the type of father that drinks his beer when he comes home from work(construction worker, 48 years old) and watches the weather channel eats dinner, showers and goes to bed. but sometimes...out of nowhere he'll be a complete jerk without warning. The last night that i lived there i had put my daughter to bed, both of my parents where laying down in bed. and i got on their computer(my bf let me use his internet port cuz my parents didnt have internet wayy out where we lived) and was talking to some friends and doing school work. no big deal right? well my dad came out of his room to go outside for a smoke and saw me and said "hey, what are u doing on the computer?" (ever since i can remember our first computer hes always hated seeing me on it, i recall beeing in the 6th grade and asking to use it for a research paper and he got so mad that he picked up the monitor and threw it in my bedroom. now..back to what i was saying..he asked what i was doing and i said "school work, my bf lent me his internet port so i could do it" and he said "uh no u can do your work in your bedroom, i know you, you get distrated easily" and i said "im not dad, im just doin my school work and then ill get off, i'll only be another 15-20mins max and ill be done" and he said "well why cant you do it in your room?" and i said "its easier to do it this way, its faster" and he said "well i dont want you on MY computer, get off" and i said "i dont see what the problem is, everyones in bed and im doing school work, whats wrong with that?" and he said "idc i dont want you on it. GET OFF" and so i shut my book and tossed it up on the counter, and he easily assumed that i was throwing it even though he was standing 5 feet away and watched me. and said "dont cop an attitude with me" and i said "i just dont see what the big deal is" and at that point my mother came out and said "wth is going on?" then told us both to stop it, i pushed the computer chair back over to the desk (not hard i just put my hand on the back of it, pushed it and it BARELY tapped the desk, my dad looked at me and said "OH YOU WANNA SLAM SH**? LETS GO SLAM SH**!" and walked into my bedroom and tipped over my entertainment stand. and it broke alot of my things. at that point i cried and called my bf to pick me up (my mom offered to watch my daughter) and to get the hell out. and that was about 3 or 4 months ago. i havent talked to my dad since it wrong to not talk to him even though hes a sadist *******? sometimes i feel bad but sometimes ill think of that night and they WAY he said things with such a snarky attitude, you could easily tell he wanted to start sh**. i wrong? was he wrong?.....what should i do?(oh and just to be clear my mother is watching my daughter and i take her everyother weekend (her dad gets her on the other weekends) until me and my bf get a place next month)

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