Friday, July 15, 2011

Husband lies about money with no income of his own. HELP!!?

I had a stroke a couple of years ago and it messed up he left side of my body, I can't drive, walk,work or anything else I used to do. My husband runs the errands for the house now (yes, unemployed). He has access to my bank card because if we need something he goes and gets it, etc... Well, he also gets him a bottle when he does these errands, he will admit he's an alcoholic without hesitation. Before my incident we did not have this problem. I have no one to talk to about this or get advice because my situation is different. i.e.-I can't just pack my things and move, the left side of my body doesn't work. Even if I did get my stuff packed, who would drive me and my things to my new place? I'm NOT talking divorce because we DO love each other VERY much. I did think about separating for a while though. Can someone please give me some advice or meditation tips? It would be greatly appreciated.

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