Monday, July 18, 2011


She gets in my face, yells at me, mocks me, Blames random things on me like when she can't find something of hers she yells at me. and I was verbally and physically abused by her ever since I can remember ( im 14 now) I can't believe she has given birth to me! I can't believe a mother could Hate her own daughter! I wish gave me up or better yet aborted me in 1996*. ive been quiet and cried a lot all of my life and people associated it with being "Little" I used to get bullied kindergarten - all of the years ive been in school.( im going into 9th grade this fall) I cried a lot in kindergarten-3rd grade( for being bullied and also because my mom abusing me) Im mad someone didn't notice how bad my behavior was that would have been my chance to get help. It sure as hell would have saved me alot of pain. I isolate myself a lot because my parent hate me ( my dad left and my uncle is living with us and he is terrible to me he always cuts me down) and my mom yelled at me earlier for isolating myself saying YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR GONNA BECOME A SERIAL KILLER BECAUSE YOU ISOLATE YOURSELF SO MUCH!( i know wtf)( she almost choked me to death at age 6) ive never thought about hurting anybody and I think people who kill are sick bastards! and btw when isolate myself I go listen to rock music like 60's and 90's rock. and I like John Lennon and he got shot which i feel very bad about and would have loved to have gotten shot instead of him it save his family a lot of pain JOHN DIED IN 1980. but i was born in 1996 so yeah., Id never hurt anyone ever. Id rather be a drug addict then a killer at least then I will hurt myself not someone else. i can't take the path ive been going down because of her I dont feel i can trust anyone anymore I just cant take it! I have no one I can live with., her abusing me kept me quiet. I would love to be a loud outspoken person with charisma but i can't because of the abuse I would be exactly that way if it werent abused. I think why people picked one me for the most was being quiet I usally only speak unless spoken to. I join in on conversations too though.Is there some kind of shelter I could go to im 14 and I live near grand rapids Michigan. I just don't know what to do! if not then what should I do?

Why do people care so much about celebrities lives...?

But when someone not famous is dating someone, or getting divorced, or having kids, they automatically don't care. It's annoying.

I don't like my parents buying things for me, is that bad?

My parents are divorced, my mom works a lot and doesn't earn enough money. There has been always a problem with money between them and I hate it, my dad is doing good economically so he pays my school and gives some money monthly to my mom so she can buy me the things I need. From what I've heard it isn't enough and he doesn't like giving it, the thing is that I'm sick of all that problems and I like working to get my stuff, I started working for his company, I don't even know how much $ I'll get. I'll get good experience that I can use for a future job because I'm only 16, today we had a huge problem because I'm getting bad grades but I've been feeling in charge of some things that I don't have to take care of, I wish I could just take care of school. However my dad cares about me and he came here (my home) and told me he's going to buy me an air conditioner, he's going to take me to the supermarket etc.. but I'd feel really bad if he does, I don't know why, I don't like that at all.

Should I tell my dad I'm on my period?

He is a doctor(surgeon). My parents are divorced and I'm with him all summer. I only have my dad and my older brother. I am 13 and this is my first time getting it but my mom already told me everything because 13 is pretty late so she wanted me to be prepared. I don't want to tell him cuz it would be REALLY embarrassing but I am using the 3 pads in the kit my mom bought(so embarrassing)and I need more. My brother is mature(he is 19) and wouldn't make fun of me but i think that would be worse.Would my dad know since he is a doctor and all??? HELP!!?!?!?!???!???

Should women who plan on having abortions in the future anyway not be allowed to procreate?

yep...i think abortion is just cruel, if you want to have all the sex you want and no kids, then go ahead and get your tubes tied or something permanent like that..or stay on birth control..but please, no abortions.. dislike if you want, just my opinion :)

Is my EX-GF playing games or actually interested?

My girlfriend of a year and a half broke up about 3 month ago. It was messy and we have just know started talking to eachother again without surcumbing to arguements. She has finally let the cat out of the box and explained to me how she feels and what she is looking for. She told me that she still cares about me alot and she misses me, but she can not be in a relationship at the stime. She wants to find out if she can be happy on her own. (divorced, we started dating right after the divorce). I have been over to her house 2x now. The first night, we ended up fooling around and she start crying. She said "this does not feel right and that she cares about me so much. She siad"i do not just want to be a booty call" She got very affectionate and i ended up leaving about an hour later. The next night we talked and i kissed her a few times. Towards the end she started to get a little hesitient but still kissed me back. I asked her if she would be interested in going to dinner with me this Saturday and she said"well, we nver really had a real first date"..She then smiled and said she would go. She has made it clear that we are not back together and that she is not ready for that move at this time. I understand that. We have not talked in 4 days, i am trying to give her some space to think about everything before we actually go out. I do not intend on bringing up the past unless she does. I am madley in love with this girl and i want nothing more than for her and i to be together. I want to know if she is palying some sort of weird game with me? I understand she is confused, but i just dont want to go into this if she is not sincere. What are your thoughts?

Historical Fiction book written by young teen?

your 12! wow for someone any age this is great! i would say just go into more detail when describing people and places

Its very imp... suggestions plz?

i was married to a girl without knowing to any of our parents and the same was solemonized and registered at register office. i got the certificate and we lived seperate since it will take time for our parents to accept our love. but, in between, we got some prob and we are seperate now. i got all the proof that the marriage was with her will when it happened ( msg , conversation, photos etc.. ) she is engaged now to a different person.she has totally hidden all these to him. we did not apply for any divorce and still she is my legal wife. what to do legally ? is there any way that she can deny our marriage ? will she be able to ask for any compensation , during divorce case? i have sent her a legal notice asking her opinion.. what to do if she commits suicide since it will cause her family a bad image ? is there any chance i could be arrested?

Got deceived by a girl who is now pregnant and expecting me to pay child support.?

i have recently found out that i got this girl pregnant and she tricked me by telling she could never get pregnant..of course i should have covered up but i took it easy,,and now i have told her to abort it but she is choosing not to do that. so now i am going to move out of the state and get away from here..all she knows about me is my name,,i am wondering if i could still get tracked even if i move out of the state. i wana make sure if i do this..

Husband wants abortion for Father's Day!?!?

I asked my husband what he wants for Father's Day and he said he wants me to abort our second child! I don't even know what to say. He said that he's not happy with our first child and that a second would make things even worse. He's out now with our son getting pizza to celebrate today, but I am distraught. We already have one child and I guess that's enough, and I'd rather save my marriage than have a second. What do i do? I don't want to get an abortion but i love my wonderful husband, please help...

Preface for a project on effect of ads on the sale of a product?

Is this a school project? Not sure what you you need wording? What is the product? Not enough info. given here

Somebody PLEASE help! Not asking if I am pregnant, asking if it seems like I could be or will be?

"Pull out" is not a method of birth control; please don't call it that; doesn't work. There are no definite signs of early pregnancy. Take a test; it's quite possible.

What do you think of this? The plot, characters, etc.? Honest opinions please!?

I think this is a good opener, but the one thing I would point out is that Cassandra hasn't called the police! I understand this might be beneficial later in the story or something, but she's just leaving her sister to die!

Can someone help me with short story for English class?

Try a new story maybe? You want it obviously to be short and reflective...You want the character and the reader to see a moral or maybe a teaching that comes out of the story.You have to have strong ideas and background on the alternate world.

Am I the only person that discusses abortion and post-coitus matters before I sleep with someone?

What? Do you people (men and women) think that everyone views these matters the same way you do? It's crazy the amount of questions that pop in this section about people being surprised by their partners post-coitus reactions. Don't want your kid aborted then why sleep with a pro-choice person and vice versa? Don't want to pay child support then why sleep with a person that is pro-life? Don't want your kid fatherless then why sleep with a guy who doesn't want kids? Common sense much America?

Ethical Reasons why Aborting the Disabled is wrong?

I'm writing my paper on aborting the disabled is wrong I have everything else but the only thing I'm missing is ethical reasons why it is wrong I can't come up with any without involing god and I can't involve god any ideas please

Temporary green car holder has us husbands child he filed for divorce can she still get a green card?

my friend whos on her student green card was recently in a car crash and broke her pelvis the lady (not her) didn't have insurance so she was unable to have it paid for luckily she also recently married to a us citizen who paid for her to go and have x-rays and everything while she was having the x-rays done she found out, SHE WAS PREGNANT she is catholic so she wont abort and even if she wasn't catholic she wouldn't abort. her husband is now trying to divorce her quickly so he wont pay for child support and she is trying to make it a little longer so he will but that is costing her money too. if she is pregnant with her husbands (a us citizens) baby and her student visa expires in october will she still be eligable for a green card?

I'm feeling pretty bad right now?

While things look bad, only you can choose your future. Complacency never amounts to anything. You made bad decisions. That's the past. Now go and make good decisions. Sit around and worry OR make the most out of your life. Listen here, I screwed up my grades in college, got in a car accident, and lost my girlfriend of 4 months. But right now, LIFE IS GREAT. I have overcome complacency. People that sit around and mope can only blame themselves.

Does this sound appropriate? (interaction with a student teacher)?

That's the sad part about having a great teacher who was also a friend.Eventually you have to move on.Reality does not allow time for that.Remember her for what she gave you and wish her luck in her future.If she offers to keep in touch then you can give her your email,Otherwise thank her for being there and end it just like that.She will remember you but life goes on.Good luck and let go of one and God will give you another.

Gender Studies: What do you think of this article...?

It's sad babe but patriarchal programing even gets into the heads of some women. It is cruel and sad but blame where blame is due I always say. It's male dominated society that created these practices.

Husband wants abortion for Father's Day!?!?

I asked my husband what he wants for Father's Day and he said he wants me to abort our second child! I don't even know what to say. He said that he's not happy with our first child and that a second would make things even worse. He's out now with our son getting pizza to celebrate today, but I am distraught. We already have one child and I guess that's enough, and I'd rather save my marriage than have a second. What do i do? I don't want to get an abortion but i love my wonderful husband, please help...

What do you think about this? babies?

There are many reasons why fetuses are aborted. Financial instability, not emotionally ready, fetus is the product of rape. These are some reasons why abortion is an option. Abortion can be avoided by giving the baby for adoption. This would save the life of a child.

How Can I Start Feeling Better About Myself?

Howdy, u should relax, and take a look in the mirror and realize that what he said is a small block in the road ahead of your long life that could be so much more. Your family probably thinks ur being a teenager ( which is really stupid cause parents need to learn to be more..involved ) and for your height, Dont u think guys love to see girls with a lot of leg? and a nose is a nose, u smell with it, if someone has a problem with that, they can go to hell =P. idk how to truly help you but thats what I think, Take care and good luck ( You seem like you really need it, and sorry for the abuse )

Things to do in Vegas (for a Vegas veteran?)?

O.K., this is a long shot but I'm guessing that you haven't seen the Sunset Stampede at Sam's Town Hotel and Casino. It's a fantastic water and laser show inside the hotel with shows at 2, 6, 8 and 10pm daily. Do see it when it gets dark, maybe the 8 or 10pm show. You can get a free shuttle to Sam's Town from Harrah's on the strip and other strip locations. Check out Sam's Town website for shuttle times. Definitely one of the hidden gems of Vegas and well worth the trip.

Is abortion a form of sexism against men?

Because we are the ones that carry the children, not to mention go through all the pain. I personally am against abortion, but you cannot say that this is sexist against men!

Should I tell him how I feel?

me and this guy have had the worst ups and downs you could possibly imagine. 2 years ago we were fwb. A big thing happened and we ended up hurting each other pretty badly. It wasnt long before he met someone else and he and this girl got married. I was heartbroken and I think he knew it. His wife started harrassing me and asking me details of me and him sleeping together because he has been denying that he has. To make a long story short she turned out to be a psycho and he ended up apologizing to me about lying about me. They got divorced. He ended up adding me as a friend of facebook after deleting me 2 years ago. He now talks to me a lot. All this time I have never stopped loving him and I want to tell him how I feel but I really don't know if I should. What do you think?

The War Against Girls - Since the late 1970s, 163 million female babies have been aborted by parents seeking?

Abortion is murder. It is as simple as that. People have been conned and hoodwinked for years. The roots of abortion lie with nasty american and british eugenicists back in the 1930s, these same people sold abortion to hitler. People think they have a choice so are thankful. The real people who benefit are the nasty elite who run our world who have also sold us the lie of environmentalism as an excuse for depopulation. The science advisor in Obamas government John P Holdren is an advocate of genocide and believes the world needs to cull 90 per cent of the worlds population. This would leave a few slaves to serve the needs of the old sick perverts who currently run the world. We will overcome them. Google John P Holdren the truth on You tube.

Parent questions?? I need an opinion!!?

So my step mom and dad are getting a divorce, I lovey step mom she has always been there for me an whenever I am with them she's the only parent I see, my dad has never been in my life and barely tries when I stay with him... So now that there getting a divorce is it ok that I visit my step mom and not my dad??

Husband wants to separate, I don't.?

I need advice. My husband and I have been married for 10 years. I'm 35 and he's 42. We have a 10 year old daughter. We have been arguing a lot for the past few months... and we have both threatened separation/divorce more than once. Last Saturday, we had another argument, and he said, "Maybe I don't want to work things out. Maybe I want a separation." Later, online, he sent me a message telling me that he needed space/time to figure things out. Whether or not he was still in love with me and if this is what he wants for the rest of his life. I realize that we are having problems, but I didn't know he was unsure of his feelings about me. He wants me to leave... but I don't want the separation. I don't want to lose him or leave my daughter. He has made it clear that I cannot take her. I also don't have a job, I'm a housewife, so I can't afford to rent a place at the moment. He says that this is only temporary... 2 months or so. But, I am heartbroken and worried. I love him very much and I want to do everything I can to make our marriage work. Not only for us, but for our daughter. I have tried talking to him about my feelings, but he won't change his mind. I trust him... I don't think he's cheating. He has been dealing with mid-life crisis, so could this be why he is confused about his feelings for me? I mean... that mixed with the arguing? I am so confused, sad, worried, angry... I really can't explain it. He keeps telling me not to worry, but how can I not if he is unsure of his feelings? We separated for 3 months back in 2008, but it was my decision... he said it helped last time, so there is a chance it might this time as well. What should I do? I can't deal with the fact that I might have to leave my daughter.

What do you think of this preface?

(sigh) This about as cliche as it gets... Why does every amateur who decides to delve in to this most abused of genres, automatically assume that they can do a much better job of it than the last 1000 or so schmucks that came before? (trudges away in disappointment)

Do I have to pay my insurance company?

When your policy expires, find a better insurance agency. They should be taking care of all this for you and on your side. As far as your credit, just stay in contact with the insurance and collection agency until its straightened out. The police report will show you (brother) did everything correctly.

Please help me, I really need advice! :(?

I was looking at my boyfriend's chat messages on Facebook when I found something that really upset me. First of all, let me preface this by saying I know it was wrong to snoop, and that I have problems with insecurity, although that is no excuse for what I did and it was an invasion of his privacy. But I was looking at some chat messages from about a week or 2 ago (he archives all his chats) with some girl that he used to go to the same high school with. It started off with typical "hey, how ya doing" but then she said "hey, you're pretty cute" and then something like "I'm gonna keep talking with my friend onn the phone, but we can video chat without sound and IM". She kept calling him cute, enough to worry me. My boyfriend did include one message that had a smiley face and a love heart, but he never said anything along the lines of "you're cute" back to her, although he did ask once "who's cute?" and im not sure if he honestly didnt know what she was talking about or just wanted to hear her say it. The conversation never got dirty or anything, or anything like "i like you" or whatever, but they were talking a lot about going on skype and at a later date he asked if her could text her. I don't now what happened when they got on skype. But what I did see on the chat really upset me. I don't know if i'm overreacting, or if this is a serious issue. I feel like i do need to confront him, because I just dint think i can feel comfortable kissing him with this doubt in my mind adn I dont want to be played the fool. So, what should i do, and how should i also deal with the fact that i got this info by snooping wrongfully?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Can stress cause physical problems?

Yes. Enough stress and no healthy release will do that. Too much on my plate gives me crazy headaches, stomachaches, obsessive-compulsive tendancies and makes my preformance in athletics not as good. My physical problems have never been that bad, but I do not have cerebal palsy, and I have never been under that much stress. Keep your chin up, you'll get through this.


ive only heard great debator elmatic and the preface but skyzoo was much deeper with better multis and internals imo. i like el but a lot of times his rhymes are really predictable and it sounds like hes sayin shyt just to rhyme while sky progresses his point

Does Michelle Bachmann want an intrusive government or not?

She says on one hand that government should not be in our lives. But she then says women shouldn't be allowed to abort a pregnancy, even in the cases of rape, incest, or when the pregnancy could be life threatening to the mother. (If I were a woman, I certainly would not want government telling me what to do with MY body!) So which does she want? And can she not see the contradiction!?

Are aborted babies orphans in Gods eyes?

Aborted babies are innocent in God's eyes. Because they could not sin before they were killed, they have no sin. Because they have no sin, they are not in rebellion to God. Because they are not in rebellion against God, they do not face His wrath. Because they do not face His wrath, they are in His presence. Because they are in His presence, aborted babies are His children. They are not orphans, but have God as their Father.

Asked divorced from wife seven yrs back,court ordered to give as arrears of 2 lakh , the case will be dismiss?

I filed a divorce case against my wife.she didn't want to stay with me .Initially she abused my family members,later on she started physical tourtreing to my old parents and my unmarried sister and also threaten me .one fine day she went to her maternal house with belonging after 15days of marrige.after one and half yrs separation and repeated threatening from her family members to my family,i filed the case.The case is continuig for seven yrs.Instead of getting any descision,i got a court order to give Rs 3000/pm to fight the case with arrears from the dt of initiation of case.They also made nusceince in my work place and threatened there.I lost my job.Now the court given order either i will pay Rs two lakh as arrear within 2days or he will dismiss the case.Also othersource we come to know that she wants to stay with me.I have heartbroken since last 8yrs with fear of threaten to my other family members[including two unmarried sister].Being the eldest one of family,at this point i could not get a solution. ple help me.

Please help me, I need advice! :(?

I was looking at my boyfriend's chat messages on Facebook when I found something that really upset me. First of all, let me preface this by saying I know it was wrong to snoop, and that I have problems with insecurity, although that is no excuse for what I did and it was an invasion of his privacy. But I was looking at some chat messages from about a week or 2 ago (he archives all his chats) with some girl that he used to go to the same high school with. It started off with typical "hey, how ya doing" but then she said "hey, you're pretty cute" and then something like "I'm gonna keep talking with my friend onn the phone, but we can video chat without sound and IM". She kept calling him cute, enough to worry me. My boyfriend did include one message that had a smiley face and a love heart, but he never said anything along the lines of "you're cute" back to her, although he did ask once "who's cute?" and im not sure if he honestly didnt know what she was talking about or just wanted to hear her say it. The conversation never got dirty or anything, or anything like "i like you" or whatever, but they were talking a lot about going on skype and at a later date he asked if her could text her. I don't now what happened when they got on skype. But what I did see on the chat really upset me. I don't know if i'm overreacting, or if this is a serious issue. I feel like i do need to confront him, because I just dint think i can feel comfortable kissing him with this doubt in my mind adn I dont want to be played the fool. So, what should i do, and how should i also deal with the fact that i got this info by snooping wrongfully?

Why does Fox preface all of their statements with?

Theirs is a fair and balanced network and they realize that not "all people say", but rather "some people say", a distinction seldom made by the main stream media, i.e., the left.

He keeps crying saying he wants his dad? hes 17?

My best guy friend. He keeps clinging to me or trying to come in my lap crying saying he wants his dad. This has been going on for three days. He's 17. his parents are divorced. His dad lives hours away. Not sure what to do or if this is normal...

Is it okay to dislike, maybe even hate my mom?

It's natural to feel these things sometimes, we tend to see the many faults of our family, I'm guilty of it myself. I've been really angry about the way my parents did things, raising me so sheltered and protected. But our anger blinds us to the truth sometimes. I had a talk with my family, and got their perspectives, and realized things aren't so simple, I learned so many things about them I never knew. So my suggestion is to openly have a deep discussion with them. Remember to stand your ground because your views are important too, but don't get too overly defensive and listen to their side of things too. In the end, you should come up with a suitable solution to benefit everyone. Of course, it's easier said than done, but good luck, and I understand how you feel as I've also been through it.

He keeps crying and saying he wants his dad? he's 17?

My best guy friend. He keeps clinging to me or trying to come in my lap crying saying he wants his dad. This has been going on for three days. He's 17. his parents are divorced. His dad lives hours away. Not sure what to do or if this is normal...

Does anyone know the story "I Heard the Owl Call my Name"?

guse google search engine - type the name in and u get a lists of reviews. sparknotes is the good one

Is my dog going to die soon :'(?

I'm no vet but your dog is really old in dog years If I were you though I would pit your dog to sleep, a few years ago I would agree with not pitting your dog to sleep buy my mom told me it's better to put them to sleep because the longer they live the more pain they go through. Also if you let your dog keep living when he foes die he might run away to die alone because dogs like to be alone when they die so then I you might not know where his body is and I think it more sad when you don't know where your dog is and also you can't give the proper funeral he deserves...

OCD - blood on book pages?

I need to preface this by saying that I have OCD that revolves around contamination. I've been really worried over the last few months about HIV. Anything I see that looks like blood, I tend to avoid. Well, today I was reading a used book that I had been reading over the last few days, and I noticed brown smear-like marks. I initially thought (hoped) that it may have been chocolate, but after a few pages I saw a couple of small brown dots at the top, and two corresponding red dots on the opposite page. I'm almost certain this was blood. I didn't touch those two dots, but I may have touched the smears, because I tried to not think much of them. I've looked up a number of questions that people had about contracting diseases from dried blood, and they all said that it's almost impossible to contract HIV through dried blood, but my OCD is still preventing me from lessening my anxiety (although it has lessened a little). Can somebody out there please tell me what I should do. Is it time for me to seek professional help?

10pts! Where to meet girls over the summer in a new city without school or work in common?

Ok, so let me preface this by saying that I go to an ivy league school 1500 miles away from home. There's a girl that I've sort of got a crush on here who I think is interested in me as well, but school's about to get out for summer break (right around 4 months long). Since a brand new relationship won't hold up long distance, I'm not going to even attempt to ask her out now (but dependent on how things go I might ask her out next year). My family moved since I went off to school, so when I go home I'll be going to a new city where I don't have any friends who I could potentially go out with. It seems like most kids my age get relationships through school or work; but I wont have school in common with any of the girls in my new city and I'll be working as an intern for a crude oil trading firm which won't have any other student hires. If I want a gf over the summer am I stuck doing something like speed dating or eharmony?!

Why I can't access my youtube account!?

Whenever I try to log in on youtube I get a message saying "This webpage is not available" and then "The webpage might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address." On google chrome but on other browsers it just aborts the loading process. This problem occurred after I blocked aim on my pc yet I unblocked it and the problem continued. People Say it might be a problem with my ISP but I don't know what that is or how to fix it. This situation only happens when I press the sign in button on youtube. Someone Help me!

AK-47 choices. Witch one to get?

If you want an AK, do not get the VZ-58 as it is entirely different in operation than an AK despite outward similarities. Arsenal would be the route I would go, and my personal preference would be a folding stock.

Should i move in with my dad? PLEASE HELP. PLEASE. (sorry this is so long)?

If that is where you are most happiest,then why not live with your dad?a big house isnt everything in life,and surely money means nothing compared to being happy and confident in a much happier and less violent enviroment. If you really want to live with your dad,tell him what is happening to you both and see if it is possible to go live with him. You dont need to live like this. You know it will be better for both you and your sister

Saturday, July 16, 2011


ok i'm at my grandmas With my 3 cousins. one including my 5 year old cousin. as well as my 13 and 14 year old cousins and i'm 17. (ALL GIRLS). well, my 5 year old cousin has been so perverted. she told me that she likes "wieners and balls". she also told me she think she has per "period" because she was bleeding on her butt. also just a Little bit ago she was laying on the floor and she started humping the floor like a guy would do to a girl if there having sex and she started shaking her butt. the sad thing is she knows shes doing it because she started touching herself and stripping. SHE'S ONLY 5!!!!!!!!! she also told me she likes my butt and i think she has a butt fetish because i was laying on the floor on my stomach and she was laying on my butt reading and she started humping my butt, shell also hump your leg and she knows exactly how a baby is made and where a baby comes from. i don't know what to do or how to confront my uncle! her parents are divorced and separated. any advice. ^_^

Christian Views on abortion and "Gods Plan".?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Did i do the right thing??How can i stop being sad and move on!!?

I was with my boyfriend for only 3 months but we really fell in love fast, he took me to the nicest places on dates, always bought me flowers, and even talked about having a baby together some day, (Im divorced and have 2 children) He would talk about me and my boys moving in with him and being a family.Just this weekend I was at his house and I was looking for a notebook to write some stuff down, and i noticed he had a list of stuff.. (I later learned it was his AA journal) the list said MY FEARS and 3rd on the list he had written i fear of being gay, and he wrote how he would always wanna be around the guys all the girls liked, and at the end he wrote so what if i am..I told him i read it and confronted him and he freaked out saying when he wrote gay he meant weak, i totally think thats a lie! and i broke up with him, ive ignored all his calls n txts and its killing me!! i need to snap out of this depression,any ideas PLEASE HLP!

I don't know how to be a single mom?

Don't be a single mother. It's always better to provide a child with a stable relationship that they can emulate.

How to make my boyfriend listen to me...?

I have repeatedly asked my boyfriend not to talk about his ex all the time around me. He does it all the time...usually prefaced by "I don't want to piss you off but....." When I confront him he blows it off saying hell stop but then does it again. Its like he has no regard for my feelings. And by the way they've been broken up 18 months. How can I make it clear to him I mean business?

Is this what most people do?

I'm prochoice too but all those abortions just because of the simply fact you don't want to use a condom is ridiculous. Try other forms of birth control, (implant, shot, condoms). Or if you don't want kids, get a hysterectomoy. Something else, abortions are expensive and it could endanger you and your boyfriends relationship.

Son wants me to abort his sibling for various reasons...?

Hes just acting like a kid. I acted the same way, I was 15 when my mom said she was having another child, and I have a 14 year old brother at the time. Have your son read this with you, it could help. Listin you won't b treated any different then you already are, I thought the same you did, but they don't treat me different at all, in fact I started getting treated better. They would trust me with feeding the baby then they would let me go to the store by myself. You will be givin more responsibilities but you will be trusted to do other things you wernt able to do before. Plus having little siblings is the best. I love my new little sister and I'm glad we have her.

Is anyone else having the same problem with Internet Explorer?

I keep getting a pop up saying "Internet Explorer could not open __ operation aborted" when I open some websites. Is anyone else getting the same problem? Is there anyway to fix it and is it because I'm using an older version of IE?

Has my dog aborted her pups?

my dog was mated a month ago she is showing all the pregnant syntoms however other breeders are tellin me that the mate wasnt successfull because she is going on 5 weeks and her **** havent dropped and turn red as yet also her vulva got smaller is this also a sign that the tie wasnt succesfull she has appetite loss and seems lies down most of the day is she pregnant or not please help

Major FML situation: what should I do?

I know this guy in his 40's through this forum a few months ago. I was asking a question about how to get started on some acting/modelling career, which has always been my dream. He told me he has some connection and we stayed in touch. He was just a really nice, funny, harmless guy and became a bit of a mentor to me. We even went on cam a few times just for fun. He was never really creepy (he did compliment my look in a nice fatherly way) and I guess since I never got to know my dad well (my parents are divorced since I was like 5) he kinda filled the void. We just got really close and he came to visit me yesterday night. When I got in the car I noticed that he wasn't wearing any pants/bottom. It was just totally gross and I was soo scared. I thought he was gonna rape me or something. And he was soo creepy. I ran outta the car during a red light and didn't dare turning back. I'm still kinda outta breath. I checked my email just now and there are at least 10 letters of apologies sitting there. I'm just so heartbroken. I don't wanna answer him but I don't wanna turn him in to the cops either. What should I do?

Can a mother take kids out of state without letting the father know the address of where they are staying?

I and my wife are separated (not legally) and I am filing paperwork for divorce this week. My 2 kids have been living with me full time since we went our separate ways in October 2010. She had moved to Utah a few months ago and recently picked up the kids for a month long visit that we agreed upon. Once she picked up the kids she called me and told me she is not bringing them back. I have full contact with the kids via their cell phone. But she will not give me her address, even when I ask. There are no custody papers that show who gets the kids yet and she has her right to the kids. But can she take them and not give me the address where they are staying? Also, Like I said I am filing for divorce and I need her address so she can get served. How do I go about getting her served without it or does she have to give me her address so I know where the kids are?

Why this RUND MUSAND culture of living separate/divorced or teens away from parents?

this culture suggests that people have the right to do as they please, instead of having their every moment dictated by dirty old men who call themselves religious leaders and a book that has more violence than many wars. at least, we don't stone women because the husband wants to to divorce her and abandon his family for a new, younger model. and we don't kill our daughters for some perceived slight. Until islam gets its act together, and starts letting people live how they want, don't tell the rest of the world how to live

I want to get married but Islamically he has another wife?

As you may be familiar with the Islamic faith men are allowed to have up to 4 wives, being that they provide them with equal accommodations. Well living in the 21st century United States, that is not as highly regarded nor positively accepted by women of the Islamic faith. I never thought I would be in this position, but I met this gentlemen and after 5 months of a strong committed relationship we began discussing plans of marriage. However, before continuing our plans he revealed to me that he had been married for a year and a half in another country. Me being the women that I'am gave him the ultimatum of divorcing her and continue life with me. Four months later, of patiently waiting and agonizing arguments, he has not divorced the other lady and I'm left no solution but to leave. Besides this situation he and I have no communication issues, or problems within our relationship. I'm open to hearing any advice on this problem. Because truly I don't want to be "the other women" or be deceptive. Please give me advice.

My cat had a miscarriage, what caused it?

So my cat had a miscarriage she's not a year yet until october and this happend on april, what could cause her to have a miscarraige, she aborted 4 kittens they were all formed but didnt have fur small as a mice it was very sad, she acted normal then days after she was tired all the time and ok nly wanted to sleep, thabk God she's ok now, but im wondering what caused her to have a miscarraige?

Was i wrong?....was he wrong?...?

Me and my father havent had the best history together. we've always gotten along better when we dont live together. but after a really hard divorce(i was in a abusive relationship) i had to move back home with my 2 year old daughter. we lived in a nice 3 bedroom place with room enough for everyone, and a huge yard a dog a cat ect..well like i said me and my dad dont get along. hes the type of father that drinks his beer when he comes home from work(construction worker, 48 years old) and watches the weather channel eats dinner, showers and goes to bed. but sometimes...out of nowhere he'll be a complete jerk without warning. The last night that i lived there i had put my daughter to bed, both of my parents where laying down in bed. and i got on their computer(my bf let me use his internet port cuz my parents didnt have internet wayy out where we lived) and was talking to some friends and doing school work. no big deal right? well my dad came out of his room to go outside for a smoke and saw me and said "hey, what are u doing on the computer?" (ever since i can remember our first computer hes always hated seeing me on it, i recall beeing in the 6th grade and asking to use it for a research paper and he got so mad that he picked up the monitor and threw it in my bedroom. now..back to what i was saying..he asked what i was doing and i said "school work, my bf lent me his internet port so i could do it" and he said "uh no u can do your work in your bedroom, i know you, you get distrated easily" and i said "im not dad, im just doin my school work and then ill get off, i'll only be another 15-20mins max and ill be done" and he said "well why cant you do it in your room?" and i said "its easier to do it this way, its faster" and he said "well i dont want you on MY computer, get off" and i said "i dont see what the problem is, everyones in bed and im doing school work, whats wrong with that?" and he said "idc i dont want you on it. GET OFF" and so i shut my book and tossed it up on the counter, and he easily assumed that i was throwing it even though he was standing 5 feet away and watched me. and said "dont cop an attitude with me" and i said "i just dont see what the big deal is" and at that point my mother came out and said "wth is going on?" then told us both to stop it, i pushed the computer chair back over to the desk (not hard i just put my hand on the back of it, pushed it and it BARELY tapped the desk, my dad looked at me and said "OH YOU WANNA SLAM SH**? LETS GO SLAM SH**!" and walked into my bedroom and tipped over my entertainment stand. and it broke alot of my things. at that point i cried and called my bf to pick me up (my mom offered to watch my daughter) and to get the hell out. and that was about 3 or 4 months ago. i havent talked to my dad since it wrong to not talk to him even though hes a sadist *******? sometimes i feel bad but sometimes ill think of that night and they WAY he said things with such a snarky attitude, you could easily tell he wanted to start sh**. i wrong? was he wrong?.....what should i do?(oh and just to be clear my mother is watching my daughter and i take her everyother weekend (her dad gets her on the other weekends) until me and my bf get a place next month)


what should i write after....."The past three years, my life in Middle School has gone from being a nervous 6th grader to an accomplished 8th grade writer. As a 6th grader, I didn’t realize how much more there was to learn about writing until the end of 6th grade. I thought you’d just take a pencil and write words. But writing is much more than that." .....What else should I write???

How to help with a wrong answer?

Someone asked what a preface was. I took wording from the definition from and they still selected a wrong answer. How can answerers be helpful if others select blatantly wrong answers?

Would you read on, does this capture your attention?

I like the way it leaves you wondering. I almost think this hero is either highly gifted or perhaps "sent" to protect that woman. It's actually very cool and it inspires me to write more of my story about an Angel. Yes, I would read on for all the right reasons. Good work.

What does subdivisions mean in law terms.?

I'm taking law and I have to anwser a question, but i have no idea what subdivisions mean in law terms! It's for provincial supreme court. Does it mean like what it deals with, so injury, breach of contract, serious vehicle accidents and division of property after a divorce ?

Would this person be hard to love?

It is just her opinion and quite frankly she sounds like an absolute **** for saying that to you. You will find someone who loves you for who you are. There is no need to waste getting upset over what this shallow person said because I am sure for her one insignificant opinion there would be double that in girls who would think you were hot.

What do I do with my girlfriend that forces me to go to bed when she does?

Let me preface these comments with the fact that I am both a full time student and full time public relations account coordinator. My work often forces me to take projects home with me. So by the time I get everything done my only free time ends up being late at night. So my problem is that my girlfriend freaks out that I am still up when she wants to go to bed (Even if we have already had sex that day). I try to tell her just to go to sleep but she literally bitches at me and tells me I am ruining her health because I stay up late and in doing so, keep her up. This honestly seems crazy to me because I could go to sleep if she was up writing or watching TV. I just want to relax, read some news and write but am forced to fight with her about this bullshit until I give in and go to bed. We've been dating for a year and a half and she only recently moved in to my house. Most of the time, she is amazing but I cannot stand the way she freaks out on me about this. I keep asking myself, "is this going to get even worse if we ever get married." I seriously value this time. It's the time that i get caught up on everything. I don't know what to do. I've tried taking and she just calls me crazy and says no normal person would ever put up with this.

What is the difference between a preface and a prologue?

I'm writing a book that takes places in the Bahamas. Before the story started, I added a page in which it shows the main character booking the trip. It is not taken anywhere from later on in the book, nor does it give a glimpse of the character's normal life. It does, however, foreshadow a bit. Which should I entitle it?

Abortion marriage contract?

My bf says if i abort my baby he will marry me and we will start a family. He says god does not like out of marriage births and it is wrong for us to have baby. But I am worried that he is just saying that so i get an abortion. Is there some kind of contract i can make him sign saying that if I get an abortion he has to marry me and have a baby after we get married?

Im suferimg from tube pregnecy,and now the pregnency aborted.will this may cause to my future pregnency?

Im not sure about your question but you will probably get more responses if you change the catergory its posted in. This is under computers and internet

My mom's boyfriend asked her to move to the same state as him...?

Well my parents divorced last year and so I still feel weird about them dating... Anyways my mom's boyfriend lives in a while different state from my mom and I. In a previous question I said that she wanted me to move in with my dad but they had apparently been fighting so now she tells me she wants to move up there and get her own place and settle down then she wants me to move up there but I don't know if I should. The guy is a bit weird and I don't know how well I would meet people since I wouldn't be going to school and I have friends here where I live. I was wondering what someone else thought should be done and see if anyone else went through something similar.

Anyone else sick of parents?

I know how you feel man, my parent are being moody with each other and i feel like its my fault, yeah i might be only 14 but growing up is hard no matter what age you are, have to tried asking them to lif the pressure of helping them off ou abit and reminding them who are the parents and child in the family? telll them you need support as much as they do x

Friday, July 15, 2011

For MEN only (but you can answer if your a woman to)?

To be blunt... You will gain nothing!! It's basically what you do to seal the deal! although these days it means nothing, you can get. If your genuinely bothered look into getting a prenuptial agreement when you/if you marry

Im 14 years old, I think I'm pregnant. What should I do? What would be best? Sould I keep it or abort? Help!?

confirm first if you really are pregnant. if you really are, it's best to discuss it with your parents. never have an abortion.

My thoughts about Osama bin Laden. Opinions please.?

I am very happy that his spirit will go to God who will judge him , If he is a saint good and if he was evil he will be in the lake of fire.

Uncontested low income divorce?

Fill out all the paperwork, do not skip a single thing, but I question if you did your paperwork in Memphis, TN . . . then why did you not file it then? The only thing holding things up or possible complications is the fact that you did so. If you were going to file in Mississippi, why did you not fill out THEIR paperwork for divorce?

Why the change in attitude after 7 years of marriage?

All I can say is if I had that many kids I would make them do chores. I had to do it when I was growning up. From the time I was like 7, 8 years old I helped my mom clean house, even if it was just dusting, I folded clothes and put them away -- and not just mine. I washed the dishes after supper. You can take time for yourself. I don't know how old your kids are but they need to pitch and and so does the husband.

I can't cope with life anymore, what can I do?

I can't cope with life anymore. My husband told me this week that he is moving out and wants a divorce. I don't know what to do, I feel like I can't take care of myself anymore. I can't work because all I do is cry. I went to work today but immediately was sent home because I'm an emotional mess. I'm a college student with about two semesters to go until I get my Bachelor's, but I can no longer pay attention in class. I'm so scared for the future because I know I won't have a way to provide for all my bills, rent, I won't have health insurance anymore when we get divorced. Even if I was able to work, I don't make nearly enough money and my husband says that he can't afford to help me and pay his own bills. Please someone, help me with this situation. I'm only 26 years old, and this totally came out of nowhere. I'm trying to take a second job, but its hard because I no longer feel like I can function in society. Is there a place I can go to get help with my crippling depression?

Need an apartment, but has bad credit. What to do?

A guy I know has been living off people's couches for the past year, since his divorce. He says his credit is bad, he doesn't have first and last month rent saved, and because of all the garnishments on his check [back child support, foreclosure, etc] he has little to live on. He is currently being kicked out of his current "couch" situation. What suggestions do you have to help him get on his feet? I cannot let him move in with me, or we would have a real situation on our hands [he'd never leave, and I don't want to support a man.] I feel sorry for him. What can he do to find a place? I know agencies help women with children, but what do they do for men who can't make ends meet?

Preface for japan earhquake project?

Well, i have also got the same project for school.and i advise you to search on wikipedia.I have got alll my information and staistics from that site.It tells u about the total casualities,epicenter,magnitude and al

What does this mean? It is a analyse of Orwells The Animal Farm.?

Orwell explained his motive for writing the book in a special preface he wrote for the Ukrainian edition. He intended to expose the transformation of the Soviet Union from Socialism “into a hierarchical state, in which the rulers have no more reason to give up their power than any other ruling class.” Ultimately,the democratic principles of Animalism as defined by old Major are redefined as the totalitarian principles of Napoleon, and the Seven Commandments are changed to accommodate Napoleon’s reign of terror, particularly the two words added at the end of one central commandment to make it read, “No animalshall kill another animal without cause.”

Should I move out of my mom's house?

As a mother I think She has raised you to be your own person and make the right decisions, She has already done her job. But maybe you are not so sure. She would not be hurt, because you are not leaving in bad terms. She would be sad but not hurt. She would understand that life needs to be lived and you are living your. Good luck

I have been married 16yrs, 2 yrs ago i met this guy who is 9 yrs younger than me. we had an affair for a year?

we had an affair for a year and a half, and he kept wanting me to leave my husband, however my husband is an alcoholic and i feel responsible for him. in may, me and my friend had a bad breakup and he went back to his ex ~ who has been married and divorced twice and has two kids ~ i txt him after month a and he said they were getting married in november, then we talked the whole hour of his lunch break. the next day we talked again and he wanted me to send naked pics which i didnt. and he also said he liked seeing me naked.then i texted him monday to tell him i got a job, and that me and my husband were on trial separation, and then he said he couldnt text me cause of the gf. the gf were his workds he did not say my gf, which i find weird.he is not a jerk, he is a nice guy and he waited on me for a long time, why would he talk to me 2 days then say he couldnt? i want to remain friends with him because he was my best friend and helped me through a lot. i miss him a lot and would like to be able to keep contact with him.

Is this considered theft?

My parents are divorced. If my dad buys me an iPod Touch, and my mom who I live with decides to take it from me, isn't that theft of my dad's item since he purchased it?

My ex-wife is on the deed to our house. I alone am on the mortgage. She refuses to sell.What can I do?

I am recently divorced. My now ex-wife lives in our house. The house is in foreclosure because I moved out and could not pay for the house and my new apartment. She refuses to sell to avoid foreclosure. What can I do to force her to sell or to avoid foreclosure?

Has anyone ever felt this way? Am I a bad parent?


I'm writing a preface for my book. Is it decent or better?

It's good, but most of the publishers and agents arent looking for biographies/journals right now. (i have been looking at alot of publishing houses lists and such lately. trying to get a book published.) If you arent going to be done for a while it would be better. But that is really good. :)

What to do with this money?

my mate and her hubby divorced, they had a joint account but it was overdrawn by 500pounds. no one wanted to pay the 500 and clear it and close the account. my mates suggested they both pay 250 each and have done with this. the ex hubby disagreed, he said she should pay the whole 500. so no one paid up and this overdraft continued...then all of a sudden my mate tells me 3000pounds have appeared in the account. and its been there all week., they have been divorced 3 years now, and dont see or talk as the split was not amicable. what to do withthis money inthis joint account? she asked me? im not sure?

How much is normal for a groom to be involved in?

I'm a groom and I'm getting married in a couple of weeks. My fiancee has picked most of the stuff but I played a very active role in deciding the venue and the menu. I don't care about her dress, the bridesmaids dresses, flowers, centerpieces etc. I do care about my friends having a good time and having good food. We have a high end wedding planner so he really just gives her the options and she picks something and then tells me about it. If I don't agree, she picks something else. And so on. Nothing "groom zilla" about it.

How can anyone have tom leykis as a role model?

He says it like it is and doesn't censor or sugar coat it. I admire him greatly and follow a lot of his advice but I wouldn't call him a role model.

Preface for biology project on coordination in plants?

Two examples for "chemical coordination in Plants" > 194 and 195 > a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I dont understand my behavior? Post partum?

Sometimes i get incredibly angry for no paticular reason at my husband. I then feel like i dont want to be with him and i want a divorce. The next day ill feel totally fine and cant believe i even used the word divorce... could this be a touch of post partum depression?

Removing claw for medical purposes?

Im usually against declawing, but if it is for medical purposes I guess you should. Im sure He'd be much happier. Also, after declawing keep him from jumping.

I'm recently divorced. What do I say when new people ask about whether I'm married?

Just tell them ur not married, and change the subject. it is nobodys business but your own unless you have started dating.. then its ok to explain that u got a divorce.. if anyone other than that pusehes the issue at work, kindly tell them you dont wish to talk about the matter..

What is a preface like twilight's?

A preface is a section or page of the front and back matter of a book that includes explanatory remarks about the book.

A preface for a tour of china's interesting topics?

I am in need of an example of a preface for a report on china's interesting topics. I already have the topics i just need an example, thanks

What is the meaning of life.?

Folks, I just don't know anymore. I find myself completely empty. Now let me preface this drawn-out, overused question telling you that I know this question is asked all too frequently but I just thought that Yahoo Answers was my last chance to find some sort of a valid answer to the question which has been plaguing this messed-up yet lovely universe for far too long. I find myself all alone. I have no family. No friends. No conifdantes. Not so much as an acquaintance. My dog even left me last week, running away to stay with my ex-wife out in Nevada. This is what my ex-wife e-mailed my anyway. I don't know why I ever married her. She and I met when we were working as clown-waiters in a restaurant in Michigan. We found each other very endearing, we were both 39 and had never had a relationship in our lives due to being far too deep and sensitivce for everyone else around us. So we hit it off and when we both turned 45 we married. Three months later all the love was gone due to the fact that she had run off with who I thought was my best friend, Chazzy. So now they went out to Nevada and started their own ministry out there, preaching to the mentally ill and stupid, convincing them that there is a God who cares. I find that to be total blarney. But what do I know? I have no one. I have nothing. I am illiterate and am unable to string together a coherent sentence. I am currently working as a streetwalker as no other jobs were available due to this hopeless economy. Actually the money isn't bad at all so I can't complain, but there has to be more than these empty nights of one-night stands and far too much alcohol and speed. I am completely empty, and if I had the courage I would end it all, but we all know I won't since I was raised a Lutheran and Lutherans love to stew in their own misery. Yes, I have went to pschiatrists, but they just tell me to kiss their ***, and they take my money. If one more person tells me "There are starving children in China, you don't have it so bad" I will have to move to China to become a starving child in China and prove to them that their statement was completely ignorant and unfounded. Anyway, I am at my last harbor as I also discovered that my favorite television program will be cancelled and that I have just run out of roast beef. I am a character out of Chekov: Mourning for my life. Now I must go out and walk the streets, have some empty sex but make some big bucks. Yes there is such meaning in this Sisyphean universe.

Are the people on Sea Shepherd terrorists or pirates?

Neither! They're out there on the seas trying to protect some stunningly beautiful creatures who's footprints on this planet are yet to be identified. They're naturally larger than we are, have a love of others outside of their own and are caring and nurturing parents - why are the Japanese still murdering them? The Sea Shepherd crews are just ordinary people who care about the seas and the creatures which live within it. I met the crew of one of their boats when i was in Hobart in December, they're lovely people - not pirates or terrorists.

Internet trouble with google?

my internet has been messing up a lot lately expecially when im on google. a messege box keeps coming up say that the mission was aborted and it is unable to open. does anyone know why it is doing this?

Hansberry poem by Langston Hughes questions/help!?

Hansberry prefaces this play with a poem by Langston Hughes. What is the relationship between the play and the poem? And can you give me some examples, from A Raisin in the Sun to support your answer.

How much weight do you lose when you have a baby?

Last year, my best friend was 7 months pregnant. However, she had to have an abortion (the baby had a cleft lip). After the abortion, she lost a good 15 to 20 pounds Anyway, because i can honestly lose a few pounds myself, 6 months ago i also became pregnant. I am aborting tomorrow. How much weight do you think i'll lose?

Husband lies about money with no income of his own. HELP!!?

I had a stroke a couple of years ago and it messed up he left side of my body, I can't drive, walk,work or anything else I used to do. My husband runs the errands for the house now (yes, unemployed). He has access to my bank card because if we need something he goes and gets it, etc... Well, he also gets him a bottle when he does these errands, he will admit he's an alcoholic without hesitation. Before my incident we did not have this problem. I have no one to talk to about this or get advice because my situation is different. i.e.-I can't just pack my things and move, the left side of my body doesn't work. Even if I did get my stuff packed, who would drive me and my things to my new place? I'm NOT talking divorce because we DO love each other VERY much. I did think about separating for a while though. Can someone please give me some advice or meditation tips? It would be greatly appreciated.

RHH: What would you say if I said Elzhi > Nas?

Given that you said you tremendously underrate Nas, that he's a Top 2 rapper, and that his flow and concepts are GOAT, I might see that as contradictory... but at the end of the day I don't care. They're both dope.

Employer based green card- EB2?

My husband filed for the green card through his employer in November 2007 (EB2 category -Indian citizen). We had certain marital issues that led to our separation in December 2008, after 3 years of marriage. I am on student visa and we had been living separated since that time while the divorce proceedings are ongoing in India. If my husband gets his green card, which he probably should within 1 year (May 2012), does that also qualify me to get GC if divorce doesn’t get finalized by that time. Will I be eligible to get it without his help?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What's wrong with abortion? 10 points?

Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with it. It's a good way to keep the child from having to live a horrible life with a family that obviously doesn't want it if they're willing to abort it. The baby isn't alive, so it's not murder. So, what's wrong with it? Does it say in the Bible that it's wrong? I'm not religious but I don't think that's in the Bible. Also, what if a girl were raped? Isn't it a personal matter? Thanks <3

Is it right for my wife to totally divorce me because I had a one night stand?

She would never have relations with me in the past so i visited a massage parlor which she saw my vehicle out front. So i basically had to admit it. I actually did not even reach home plate with the masseuse it was just foreplay.

Abortion marriage contract?

My boyfriend says if I abort my baby then he will marry me and we will start a family. He says God does not like births out of marriage, so it is sinful for us to have baby. But I'm worried that he is just saying that so I get an abortion and then he'll leave me. Is there some kind of contract I can make him sign saying that if I get an abortion he has to marry me and have a baby after we get married?

English help please !!!?

Hansberry prefaces this play with a poem by Langston Hughes. What is the relationship between the play and the poem? Give examples from A Raisin in the Sun to support your answer. Your response should be at least one paragraph long

In the eyes of God, can I date/marry a non-divorced woman if her husband deserts her?

[Let me say sorry this is so long but i feel its all necessary] I have been in a relationship for about three years now with a young lady with a now three year old, and i have let my moral compass go haywire to make thins work. Now, i see the need to get right with God, but i don't know if i can be with them and still be pleasing in God's sight. I really care for them, and don't want to hurt them, but i REALLY feel the need to get right with God, even if that means i have to leave them in order to pursue righteousness. I want to pray and seek God for an answer, but I recently learned that until i remove sin (especially known sin) from my life, God will not hear me when i pray. So i have told her that i intend to do what i feel will allow me to seek God with my whole heart, even if I must leave them to do so - she never really responds to my words though. In fact, i think she may be mad at the fact that i want to turn over a new more righteous in God leaf and that I'm asking her to make these changes with me in order to be together with me. I keep telling her that there's no love lost over this but that i still care about them and really want this to work out for us to be together still, but for some reason she keeps insisting that i just dont love her and that she's not good enough and that basically she is a victim in all this - when all she has to do is agree to be open to this new direction in life or admit that she doesnt wanna do the things needed to still be together under God. In either case, i'm conflicted because it looks as though i may be waivering in my resolve, especially as she is trying to manipulate me into staying with her and staying more or less the same - when im telling her that there are things we've entertained in the duration of our relationship that in God's eyes are sinful and displeasing to him and that for "us" to work she also must be 100% willing to give up these things and habits as well, to walk with me and not resist for comfort etc. I know she may be scared, but she wont admit it if she is, shes very distant on the issue and very non-responsive, non-sharing of how she really feels and what she really thinks, and just acting like im treating her badly when im trying to tell her to walk with me or let me go. I know its long reading, sorry. Thanks for any help.

In Missouri, when a child support modification order is signed by a judge as retroactive, how is it credited?

We have been in a long drawn out process of modifying a support order due to extreme pay cut when my husband was laid off. He was paying his ex an amount that was ordered when he made twice his current salary. After almost 2 years, an order was signed by a judge granting the modification, and as retroactive to when the petition was supposed to take affect (but didn't b/c she disputed it, and lost her dispute in the end, we believe it was a stalling technique). Child support enforcement has not received the order yet, but tell us we will have to get the amount she was overpaid for 15 months from her. Is that accurate?? In all divorce and child support cases, the parties are not happy with each other and are probably unwilling to just hand over any money they are not forced to. So will my husband be credited the amount she was overpaid, have to ask her for it, or take her to small claims court?

How to meet girls in a new city without having work or school in common?

Ok, so let me preface this by saying that I'm a freshman at an ivy league school 1500 miles away from home. My family moved since I went off to school, so when I go home I'll be going to a new city where I don't have any friends who I could potentially go out with. It seems like most kids my age get relationships through school or work; but I wont have school in common with any of the girls in my new city and I'll be working as an intern for a crude oil trading firm which won't have any other student hires. If I want a gf over the summer am I stuck doing something like speed dating or eharmony?! All the relationships I've ever had I got by meeting a girl at school or work; how do college age kids get relationships without having these commonalities?

I WANT TO ACT but is it too late?

I would start out with the acting classes and then moving on to community theatre, it is NEVER too late to start acting, or doing anything you feel that you were meant to do. Community theatre can open many doors and help pad your resume, after that I would keep your ears out for any open casting calls in your area. Good luck I hope this helps!

Publishers for teen writers?

ok so i'm a 12 year old girl (on my mom's account [with her permission]) and i submitted the first chapter and preface of my historical fiction/young adult book here and everyone loved it so now i'm looking for a publisher. If you're a publisher i haven't finished the book quite yet but i can send you the preface and first 1-2 chapters (it might take a while because i wrote it in a notebook, though). If you are or know of a publisher please inform me. Thanks!

A) What were some of Origen’s major contributions to the study of the Bible?

B) What was the purpose of Origen’s masterwork, “On First Principles” (illustrate this purpose with reference to the Preface to that work). C) What were some of Origen’s ideas about the divinity and humanity of Christ? (give specific illustrations from the texts made available in class)? How did the idea of the “pre-existence” of souls figure into Origen’s account of the person of Christ?

Is there a way to find out if he filed for divorce. I live in California?

He tells me he has the divorce papers but he won't drop them off. How do I know if he already filed?

How do I handle my friends' parenting style?

this is a difficult situation to figure out, for sure. I always struggle with it. The response I try to remember when talking with my daughter (mother with 1 child) is to ask her "Can you tell me why you do that?" or "Is that what happened to you?" or something that is directed toward her life experiences and not her behavior. Before I offer any advice, I try to remember to ask her if she is in a place to hear a new idea that I would like to share.

Formatting a thesis/dissertation?

Check with your college/advisor/department for specific information on that. This website (a href="" rel="nofollow" is Penn State's thesis guidelines, but I'm sure they vary from college to college.

What is the better thing to do?

It is up to the GIRL to decide whether to tell a ONE NIGHT STAND that she is thinking of or has aborted their child..He doesn't have to ever know if that is what she wants.

I need to send an MP3 clip to someone on Facebook, but it's impossible?

I should preface this by saying, my knowledge of all things technical is appalling. But I really need to send an Mp3 audio clip to someone and it seems like this is impossible. It is a professional obligation and this person is not on my friends list (if this makes a difference) But is there any way to convert the MP3 to a format that is able to be sent? My only access to them is through Facebook. Thank you so much for any advice.

My spouse and I have agreed on a lower amount of child support than the law allows.?

My spouse and I are in the midst of a divorce where we intend to share custody of the kids. I will have the kids for 4 days a week some weeks and she will have them 4 days a week some weeks. We live in close proximity to each other and the kids are adjusting well to the new living situation. We both make decent salaries and we want to deviate from the standard child support amounts. According to the courts they tend to do that which is "in the best interest of the children." That being said, is it possible that the courts will order a higher child support than the amount asked for in the decree? If so is there any recourse?

Please help, I really need advice! :(?

i was looking at my boyfriend's chat messages on Facebook when I found something that really upset me. First of all, let me preface this by saying I know it was wrong to snoop, and that I have problems with insecurity, although that is no excuse for what I did and it was an invasion of his privacy. But I was looking at some chat messages from about a week or 2 ago (he archives all his chats) with some girl that he used to go to the same high school with. It started off with typical "hey, how ya doing" but then she said "hey, you're pretty cute" and then something like "I'm gonna keep talking with my friend onn the phone, but we can video chat without sound and IM". She kept calling him cute, enough to worry me. My boyfriend did include one message that had a smiley face and a love heart, but he never said anything along the lines of "you're cute" back to her, although he did ask once "who's cute?" and im not sure if he honestly didnt know what she was talking about or just wanted to hear her say it. The conversation never got dirty or anything, or anything like "i like you" or whatever, but they were talking a lot about going on skype and at a later date he asked if her could text her. I don't now what happened when they got on skype. But what I did see on the chat really upset me. I don't know if i'm overreacting, or if this is a serious issue. I feel like i do need to confront him, because I just dint think i can feel comfortable kissing him with this doubt in my mind adn I dont want to be played the fool. So, what should i do, and how should i also deal with the fact that i got this info by snooping wrongfully?

Do you think a divorced milf who hasn't had sex in many years would...?

Do you think a divorced milf who hasn't had sex in many years would jump on the opportunity to have sex with a young sexy 20 year old

Will i need my husbands deed poll if i wait 5 years to divorce him?

I am trying to divorce my husband, we have been seperated one year now, he won't give me his deed poll so I can't apply. If I wait another 4 years to apply again whereby I do not need his consent, will I still need his deed poll then? Will I still be stuck in the same position. I can't afford or am inclined to get a solicitor involved.

Father's rights to visitation without a court order?

My boyfriend just had a baby, his name is on the birth certificate, but there are no court orders for visitation or child support. Two days ago they went to court for child support but given the situation me and my boyfriend are in, and what all the mother is asking for, the county clerks said they would hold off on the support and re-scheduled another court date for the 16th. The (5 month old) baby's mother is refusing to allow him to pick up the baby, or take the baby, or allow me to be around the baby. She had us babysit the baby a few months ago so she could go to a wedding, and has allowed us to keep him here for a few hours, she also met with us at the mall to hang out.. having no issues at all until she found out I was pregnant. Now she is being.. silly. She demands money and refuses to share information about the baby.. now she is demanding that my boyfriend go to HER house to visit the baby.. like supervised visitation.. which we refuse to allow because we have done that before and all she will do is be so negative to a point where my boyfriend ends up having to leave because of all the things she says about him, or me, or our unborn child, or our eldest children (I have a 5 yr old from another man and he has a 4 yr old from another woman). My question is: is there anything he/we can do to get personalized visitation with the baby so that my boyfriend can see his son without it's mother breathing down his throat? All he wants is a little time to bond, something she has done her best to stop. She has already stated that she wants him to give up his rights and allow her boyfriend to adopt. (Same guy who told her to abort their child.) My boyfriend just wants things to be equal and fair.. what can we do? We don't have the money to hire a lawyer and are trying to move into a place within the next week. Is there anything at all we can do besides keep records of the texts for the next court hearing? Or does my boyfriend have to wait all that time to see his son?

As an Asian-looking son of a White dad and Asian mom should I be angry at them for emasculating all Asian men?

at first i thought it was only black/white mixed people who were crazy now i think its all biracials who have issues

Is anyone out there rooting for aeris and leo actually having a relationship on VG Cats?

I'm kinda rooting for that, I have no idea why it just seems funny to me on how they fight and even though she did abort him it seems like Aeris might have a thing for Leo. Does anyone else think the same way i do and hope for them to have a relationship. XD

Have you ever had an abortion and regretted it? Or thought about having one, but didn't?

I used to be pro-choice. Now, I am absolutely anti-abortion. I was pressured by my sister to have an abortion with my first child. I was 19 and single. I was in college. No one could see how I was going to have and raise a baby without a father at such a young age AND finish school. I did it. My son is now 9 years old. He is a highlight of my life. He is in the gifted program at school. He is bubbly and loves to make jokes. He participates in theater and loves to sing. Can you imagine if I would have killed him??? Fast forward to my second pregnancy. I had just met someone, and we became pregnant right away. Fortunately, we were head over heels for each other, and got married. My brother pressured me to have an abortion with her. She is now 3 1/2 years old, has the most beautiful CURLY hair, big blue eyes and long eye lashes, and is the other highlight of my life. She says the darndest things all the time. Can't imagine my life without either one of them now. So WHY do people think that abortion is NOT murder? Every fetus is a person. Why is it ok to abort (kill) a fetus, but yet if someone were to kill a baby after they were born, that would be murder? I just don't get it. So, have you ever had an abortion and then regretted it?? Or, like me, were you pressured to have one, or did you think about it, but then not do it? I ask this because for a momentary second, I thought about having an abortion with my daughter. Knew in my heart I didn't want to do it. SO glad I didn't. That little embryo is a life.

How do you know when its time for a divorce?

No easy answer for that one, things change in different circumstances. One should stick it out as much as possible if there are kids. But if there is abuse, violence or other highly dysfunctional behavior it is all ways time to call it quits.

Pot a Miss Kim Dwarf Lilac and put on a balcony?

normally the roots of a plant are as big as the stem and branches... so i would get a very large pot... try to follow directions that came with the plant as close as possible so that way the plant doesn't die.. try also gooleing the species to get more info...

TTC #1 after bc & maybe low sperm count?

me and my partner decided about 5 months ago that we wanted to start trying. i consulted my gp as i thought i might already be pregnant, it was negative and she told me that if me and my partner are having sex on a daily basis i should be pregnant in 6 months. i had the implanon implant for 2 years and had it removed 8 months ago, my periods normally come every 29-31 days i have been tracking my ovulation and still nothing. as a teenager my partner smoked pot on a regular basis but hasnt smoked in about 3 years? also, his ex conceived a child while he was smoking but decided to abort it. we are having our first doctors appointment in 2 days, is there tests we should be getting done? i have never been to a doctor for this reason before i would just like to know what to expect? i know i am meant to have patience but we are moving states within a year and i would rather have the child before we move, any ttc stories would be appreciated, or just general advice?

Going to see a counselor about my mom, what to do/expect?

So my mom and I never get along and I do not know how to deal with her anymore so my dad thinks that I should go and talk to someone. My parents are divorced, by the way. My mom left my dad and she treats me and my sister bad as well. I am willing to try anything to get along with her better so I have agreed to try counseling. I am 19 years old and I have never been. What should I expect and do when I go there?

Is there 1 standard for morality?

We are all given one innate conscience . So we all have one moral and ethical standard .Yes a lot of things are subjective moral and ethics are not. Some choose to ignore their conscience and rationalize it as morality being an subjective abstraction .

How do i go back to my old yahoo mail?

I want to go back to my old yahoo mail. when i logged in today it asked me to update my explorer for the new yahoo mail. So I did, however in order for it to run it needed to run windows updates. As this will take a few 100 megs. i cancelled but now the new yahoo mail logs in and I cannot read my mail. it says Cannot access wesite...operation aborted

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why should the rich be taxed more?

It's known as "Progressive taxation." The Democrats who created it SAID it's purpose is to balk upward mobility and keep the lower classes from GETTING rich.

Whats the point of a prolouge or a preface?

I dont remember where I read it but someone said they were usuless extra information. But whats thw real pooint

Is it weird that I absolutely love flying in planes?

Me too! This might sound funny, but the bit I look forward to when I'm going on holiday is the plane journey (: I love it, it's so much, because I love it when the plane takes off and lands and when you fly over cities and everything below you looks so small; :P I also love looking out of my window at the planes in my room and wondering where those people are going and if I know them ahaha

My girlfriend broke up with me :/?

My girlfriend broke up with me and i feel like my heart is dead. i feel like i can go **** the world and give a **** what anyone says, **** all the girls in the world flirt with every girl i see. idk why but it relaxes me.. but then i think about her and i think to myself maybe ill get back with her so i shouldnt do anything that would displease her.. I was with her 13 months. when i met her i got her pregnant within the 1st month.. yeah whatever but we got through it.. but she hates me for what i did to her life.. shes young and didnt want this but didnt want to abort the baby. and now she regrets so many things. mostly the baby and what i did to her .. she says she loves me so much but she cant stand seeing me and the baby and what we did to her life. i wish i understood but i really cant understand this.. i told her she cant change anything and to deal with it and itll go away but she says no. anyways i just want to know how i can get over her without being reckless please please help me i cried so much =/

Where to meet girls over the summer in a new city without a school or work connection?

Ok, so let me preface this by saying that I go to an ivy league school 1500 miles away from home. There's a girl that I've sort of got a crush on here who I think is interested in me as well, but school's about to get out for summer break (right around 4 months long). Since a brand new relationship won't hold up long distance, I'm not going to even attempt to ask her out now (but dependent on how things go I might ask her out next year). My family moved since I went off to school, so when I go home I'll be going to a new city where I don't have any friends who I could potentially go out with. It seems like most kids my age get relationships through school or work; but I wont have school in common with any of the girls in my new city and I'll be working as an intern for a crude oil trading firm which won't have any other student hires. If I want a gf over the summer am I stuck doing something like speed dating or eharmony?!

Do I have too many kids? How can I get my husband to believe he is the father? Baby Girl names?

Hi. My name is Avereigh (pronounced Avery) Nicole Brooks. I am 36 years old. I own my own bookshop. Called "Reading in Paradise". I dont write books. I just sell books by very popular authors. I am married to Michael James Brooks. He is 36 also. He is a firefighter. And we have 4 beatiful children. Noah James (17) Haileigh Nicole (15), Joshua Scott (Josh, 11), and Madisen Grace (Maddie, 6). I love my kids names. When my husbands mad at our youngest daughter, Madisen. He calls her Maddie Grace. Its adorable though when he says it when he's angry and he has a country voice, cause he's from Texas. Anyway, I'm pregant with my 5th child. Is this too many kids? My husband, Michael swore he wore a condom. And he thinks that I cheated on him with another man. How can I get my husband to believe that he is the father of my baby? The condom must have broken. Now, he's denying all our kids for no reason. He's saying mean things to his family/friends about me like I'm a slut. He won't even KISS me when he leaves in the mourning to go off to work. All he says is I'll see you at 5 when he gets off. He doesn't even call me the pet name he made up for me, Ave. He doesn't return my phone calls. He even told our oldest son, Noah to go find he's real father. He lets the kids run around the house, and do stuff he knows their not allowed to do. AND WHEN i GET ON HIM ABOUT IT, all he says is they ain't his kids! I don't want a divorce because I love Michael to death. Ever since school days. We started liking each other in the 7th grade. Then we started dating in the 9th. We broke up in the 11th and tried other people. But we knew we were the ones for each other so got back together. Before our senior year started. I had his baby. My son Noah. Michael and I got married the day after our senior graduation. I lovee Michael, he is my everything. But he needs to believe me if this is gonna workout. No, I am NOT going on the Maury Show. And ohh. Please list baby names I'm having a baby girl. I kinda like the name Avalon (Ava for short) but not so sure. I am also looking for a name that goes well with the combination: Noah, Haileigh, Joshua, and Madisen. Kinda hoping it would start with A. But if you can't find one its okayy. Just dont use the letters: N, H, J, or M. I know I'm asking for alot. Thankss though. Please include middle name.

POLL: What do you think of this?

every pregnancy that happens for the next 20 years, all of them get aborted. No new people for 20 years. Might even out the population?

Would you feel embarrassed if your "real" parents attended a school award ceremony with you ,but with their..?

spouses also? Like , your real parents divorced and both married again..Your mother a Syrian man and your dad a Russian woman! Would you feel embarrassed if they both attended a school award ceremony with you and they both were accompanied by their new spouses? And at that event there would be lots of people and also your friends!!

I want a marriage and a second baby, partner doesn't.?

Some things are deal breakers. One wanting a child and the other not is probably one of the most common. You would do well to recognize that this relationship is not going to provide you with what you want out of life, so you should get out of it.

How do I start a hypothesis sentence about abandoned living creatures, women aborting their child?

it's usually the man that wants the pregnancy terminated and it has been like that since the beginning of time more or less

There are days that I want to beat my exhusband?

He talks about me being drama. But, this past month has been nothing but drama from him. Our divorce was finalized at the end of may. We have 2 kids that are staying with family while we deal with our work situations. He came home for R&R at the beginning of this month (he is military and currently in Afghanistan) and got remarried without telling me. I didn't find out anything until 2 weeks after he got remarried. When I tried to call my kids, to schedule some time with them, I found out that they had moved in with her. NO ONE told me anything. And he is trying to tell me that this has nothing to do with me. I am these kid's mother and I don't get told **** because this has nothing to do with me? Now he is telling me that they are moving next year and he is trying to convince me to pack everything and move behind them to be closer to the kids. I am not married to him anymore, so moving is my decision and not his. He is just pissing me off.

This is seriously super juicy?

Fuggin' WAIT! Seriously dude, you don't want to get yourself nailed with a women you have no clue where she's been. I did, and I fell in love with someone else. I felt dirty that I had slept with the other woman that I didn't even care about. Then it turns out I gave my gf HPV. It's a sort of STD but it's not terrible. She did get the "high risk" type that can give you cervical cancer, but fortunately, they caught it soon enough. She's getting treated pretty soon for it, but I feel terrible every day that I think about how I sent her through all this. Wait for the right girl, my friend, it will be well worth it.

Is this a good preface for my novel? Would you read on? How can i improve?

I think that's very good. There's always room for improvement, but I can't find anything that bad that needs to be changed.

What do you think this dream means?

To see demons in your dream, represent ignorance, negativity, distress or your shadow self. It also forewarns of overindulgence and letting lust give way to your better judgment. As a result, your physical and mental health may suffer.

Can Florida residents get divorced in Japan, if they were married there?

My husband and I are both Florida residents and were married in Japan. We haven't been married long, only 10 months as of June 1st. But Florida requires one of us to be in Florida for at least 6 months before the divorce is filed for. Can my husband file for it in Japan where he is currently stationed? Or does it have to be filed in Florida to be valid?

What are the choices during a divorce?

I am 21 years old. My husband and i want a divorce. He will only give me a divorce if i move into my parents home. already have done that once. my parents told me this is the one and only time i get to move in and help myself. i moved back out a few months later and we still want a divorce. again he wants me to move into my parents home. my parents made it clear that they wont help me again. where can i go during/after the divorce. we have no kids. just 3 pets. i have no job. and no money whatsoever. i also have a lot of stuff. will a homeless shelter help me, my stuff and pets? where can i do without any money?

Ideas for a title for my end of the year portfolio?

its my junior year end of the year english portfolio. we have to edit a few of our writing pieces and we have a preface about how we have changed as a reader, writer and speaker. we have to come up with creative title for the whole portfolio. any ideas?

I am 7 weeks pregnant..should i have an abortion?

I am 17, turning 18 in the fall. I am 7 weeks pregnant and everyone wants me to abort. My boyfriend of 3 yrs said he would support me regardless. I am having second thoughts because my mom scheduled an abortion appointment TOMORROW. But Idk if I want that. Should I struggle for my baby bc I want it or should I wait until I am done with college to provide a more stable life? I am so afraid I will make the wrong choice...should I keep the baby or is an abortion through better choice. Please help me.

I hate everything about myself, and I don't know why?

Sometimes I scare myself with how low my self-esteem is. I don't even know where it comes from. I just don't think I'm good at anything. Like, I'm currently interning at a magazine, and the editor told me today that she read over what I've written so far and she really liked it. My instant thought was, "She thought it was crap. She's just trying to be nice." I pretty much assume that everyone hates me and talks behind my back, which I don't think would be particularly unwarranted because I'm a really socially awkward person, and my personality sucks. Naturally, I hate the way I look...if I'm ever to show someone a photo of me online (I work online, so my colleagues are in the computer lol), I have to preface it with saying I know I look like crap in the picture. Like, the other day, I was showing a colleague a picture of an event I went to, and I had to say, "Ignore me. I know I look disgusting," and the thing is, I'm sure people think I'm fishing for compliments when I say things like that, but what I'm really doing is trying to beat them to the thought, that way, they won't be thinking, "Wow this ugly chick thinks she's cute." Then if people say I'm pretty, I don't believe it. I know it's kind of rude to assume people are lying to me, but I just don't see myself as attractive and don't think anyone else could either. I don't even believe guys really find me attractive if they blatantly come onto me sexually. This guy I had a huge crush on last semester made this remark to me about my breasts being really nice, and aside from being disgusted as his lack of tact, in my head, I was thinking, "Yeah whatever. You don't find me attractive in any way. You want to have sex with something with a vagina and will say whatever it takes to get to that point." I also don't think I'm really worthy of love...or anything. I don't think anyone cares about me, but I also don't think I really deserve to have anyone care about me because I'm just a piece of crap human. It's a really depressing place to be, but there doesn't seem to be much I can do about it.I don't want to just decide to start liking myself because then I'll just feel like the obnoxious chick who thinks she's entitled to more than she deserves.

I need help/advice of pregnancy and abortion?

i personally think everything happens for a reason, it may not be good timing but imagine if u aborted the baby that you have now... you would never get to see his/her face again or even meet him/her. i think if you shouldnt abort a baby just because it doesnt fit in with ur plans

How many pro-life christians would abort a gay baby if it was possible to screen for it in the womb?

First of all, I wouldn't screen for genetic defects. I think that abortion is wrong. Second, even if I knew that my baby would be gay, I would not abort him/her. I would raise my child with love and let him/her develop into his/her sexual destiny, and I'd be proud of the adult child I raised.

Character In My Story--Names?

For the boy i'd pick Mason, for the mom Peyton, and for the killer Drake. Maybe the nickname would be The Doc. Those are the names I would write in a story like that.

Is the likelihood of divorce hereditary?

Both my parents and paternal grandparents are divorced, and in both cases it seemed to be the husbands fault. For this reason, i think it seems to be a recurring trait in my family. Could this family history be a precursor to my relationships in the future?

Please help I need advice now! :(?

I was looking at my boyfriend's chat messages on Facebook when I found something that really upset me. First of all, let me preface this by saying I know it was wrong to snoop, and that I have problems with insecurity, although that is no excuse for what I did and it was an invasion of his privacy. But I was looking at some chat messages from about a week or 2 ago (he archives all his chats) with some girl that he used to go to the same high school with. It started off with typical "hey, how ya doing" but then she said "hey, you're pretty cute" and then something like "I'm gonna keep talking with my friend onn the phone, but we can video chat without sound and IM". She kept calling him cute, enough to worry me. My boyfriend did include one message that had a smiley face and a love heart, but he never said anything along the lines of "you're cute" back to her, although he did ask once "who's cute?" and im not sure if he honestly didnt know what she was talking about or just wanted to hear her say it. The conversation never got dirty or anything, or anything like "i like you" or whatever, but they were talking a lot about going on skype and at a later date he asked if her could text her. I don't now what happened when they got on skype. But what I did see on the chat really upset me. I don't know if i'm overreacting, or if this is a serious issue. I feel like i do need to confront him, because I just dint think i can feel comfortable kissing him with this doubt in my mind adn I dont want to be played the fool. So, what should i do, and how should i also deal with the fact that i got this info by snooping wrongfully?

I'm 14 and pregnant. Giving your honest opinion, is abortion wrong?

I'm 14 years old and pregnant. I cant decide what to do. Keep it, give it up, or abort. Abortion is my fist choice but I dont know if its right. Give your honest opinions please!

Is my CPU overheating?

82 degrees Celsius is almost at the temperature of boiling water. You have by now completely fried internal components in your laptop. Soddered micro chips have come undone and your computer is probably quite trashed on the inside. Your internal fans are not working probably, and you probably wont beable to trade it in.

Would you, as an adult, be embarrassed to ask another adult for the time?

yes. If I was staring at an analog clock and couldnt make out what time it was, I would be very embarrased to ask for help. I mean its not like its rocket science... I am not embarrased to simply go and ask what time is it if I have no watch or phone etc and we are somewhere where no clocks are visible.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ok i need help...lets say theres this boy, and his mom is mentally insane....?

im gonna write this as if i were writing a story okay? theres this boy, hes 16 years old, his mother put him in a mental hospital 3 times for stuff she made up. every single day she screams and yells at him for the littlest things possible. his mother and father are divorced, father lives in florida, both this boy and mother live in north carolina. his mother has MS and seems to be getting worse with her memory and anger every day, if one day, the screaming got so bad, the boy decided to call 911, what would happen? if she was taken away to a mental hospital or arrested for abuse, where would the boy go? this is a serious senario because it is happening right now with my bf...please serious answers.

Is it weird that I absolutely love flying in planes?

okay the last part is a little strange, but other than that it's not wierd at all to love flying! at least not in my opinion. my grandpa used to have his own airport. he would build planes and he took me and my brother flying sometimes. my first time was when i was like four. it was flipping awesome. i love flying too! so nope. i don't think it's weird.

Is this what most people do?

Well, most adults are more responsible. I can't speak for trolls though so you might well be within the norm for your species.

How to insTall antivirus when virus is blocking installation?

hai guys.actually i do have experience in dealing with viruses but still im in the process of learning advanced ways to beat it myself.i have removed many dANgerous viruses from my pc in the past without formatting it.i learned about the way these viruses work and removed them with a combination of some tools.however now i have new viruses which got into my pc from a memory card.firstly this virus corrupted many of my programs and made them unaccessible with an error message.but i tried a few methods and finally i cud access these programs.actually the path of the programs shortcuts were missin or deleted by the i need help on installing spyware doctor coz this is the software that has always saved my computer on several the way when i try to install spyware doctor an error message comes up "runtime error (at 529:1227): out of range".when this error message showed up, i thought ok the setup file might be corrupted by the virus,so i decided to download the same spyware doctor setup again so that i can install it,but after i downloaded the setup again,the same error message showed up.actually i forgot to mention one thing also.when i tried this setup,always the error message showed up but once i between i did something which i dont remember and the setup did work in between without error message but i did a foolish thing by aborting the installation by mistake,later it never works.plz help.i have many tools for monitoring my pc processes and im familiar with all the processes.i always end processes which im not too familiar with thats how im able to connect to the network coz the virus was blocking my network also

Does this sound appropriate? (interaction with a student teacher)?

It sounds more than appropriate. It might be inappropriate if you didn't give her the email and continue speaking considering your close relationship.

What a mess my wife had done?

Well. I will start out nice -- she is right, you don't trust her, at least I hope you don't. She sounds very narcissistic in that she is blaming everyone else for her mistake instead of taking responsibility for very poor judgment. I'm sure you want to believe in her innocence, but please, keep your eyes open and make sure you get that DNA test. I wouldn't trust this one as far as I could throw her. She is skilled at deception. I'd be keeping a close eye on her. Just giving you my opinion and I hope it all works out for you.

Please help! I need advice :(?

I was looking at my boyfriend's chat messages on Facebook when I found something that really upset me. First of all, let me preface this by saying I know it was wrong to snoop, and that I have problems with insecurity, although that is no excuse for what I did and it was an invasion of his privacy. But I was looking at some chat messages from about a week or 2 ago (he archives all his chats) with some girl that he used to go to the same high school with. It started off with typical "hey, how ya doing" but then she said "hey, you're pretty cute" and then something like "I'm gonna keep talking with my friend onn the phone, but we can video chat without sound and IM". My boyfriend did include one message that had a smiley face and a love heart, but he never said anything along the lines of "you're cute" back to her. The conversation never got dirty or anything, or anything like "i like you" or whatever, but they were talking a lot about going on skype and at a later date he asked if her could text her. I don't now what happened when they got on skype. But what I did see on the chat really upset me. I don't know if i'm overreacting, or if this is a serious issue. I feel like i do need to confront him, because I just dint think i can feel comfortable kissing him with this doubt in my mind adn I dont want to be played the fool. So, what should i do, and how should i also deal with the fact that i got this info by snooping wrongfully?

Is this what most people do?

Wooow your so selfish! Its your body and your life, but when someone else is involved in that process u can't just go around having abortions and not telling the other person involved! If u wanna get off the pills, then go for it, but talk to your doctor - there are tones of other options for contraception. In answer to your question - no everyone else does not do this - grow the **** up!!!

Ok, so people say their mom is bad, i think mine is crazy, please help?

It seems like your mother is just a tired woman and just want a man to be attentive and handle things.

Boyfriend and parents dont get on, help?

My boyfriend and I discovered I was pregnant a few weeks ago(my boyfriends 19 and i'm nearly 17), i aborted the baby(i don't half regret it but what's done is done) and my parents now hate my boyfriend. Its more my step-dad than mum, she easily forgives but he holds grudges like there's no tomorrow. And he apolized to them a lot and my step-dad says if he see's him again he won't be held responsible for his actions. The fact is, is it's my prom tomorrow, and I want my boyfriend to see me before I go, but my mum recommends me not allowing my boyfriend to see me because my step-dad will be there? I'd much prefer my boyfriend to be there than my step-dad but that won't happen. Any advice?

In Call Of Duty Black ops Zombies Does the number of zombies decrease when a person quits/aborts?

No the numbers do not increase when a player leaves, so if your playing with 4 players, 1 leaves there will still be 4x the zombies for 3 players. I think it may limit how many zombies can spawn in at once, which I heard was 53 with a 4 player max.


Why you want such a girl back who dont have guts to fight for guy like you..if i would be your wfe i would have fought and never go back to my parents and i think every girl is like me. I Think your wife only want a are a guy leave her and marry again...


what should i write after....."The past three years, my life in Middle School has gone from being a nervous 6th grader to an accomplished 8th grade writer. As a 6th grader, I didn’t realize how much more there was to learn about writing until the end of 6th grade. I thought you’d just take a pencil and write words. But writing is much more than that." .....What else should I write???

Strange Question: Need help with a troubling, probably made up thought?

Dont worry it might of happened. It happened to my husband too around the same age. He said he was just curious. I mean you are getting to know your body and it is not a big deal o well the dog licked your penis at least it didnt bite it off.:)

As an Asian-looking son of a White dad and Asian mom should I be angry at them for emasculating all Asian men?

You need not to worry about what your Parents did. Shame on you for Saying it is a curse to be born out of an Asian women's Vagina. Is there no shame to you at all?? You ought to give thanks that she didn't abort your ungrateful azz. Your spending too much time worrying about something that has already happened. Worry about your education and your own life. You know when you point a degrading finger at Your Parents there are three fingers pointing back at you. Your an ungrateful wretch to degrade your White Father. I hope he kicks you along side of the gravel road.

How do I re-record on a CD-RW disc?

I recorded about 4 songs from a playlist then my computer suddenly went weird on me and I had to abort the download. Now, it won't let me go back to the beginning and download the playlist. It says "this is not a blank disc". What do I do?

How is this story so far?

I do believe it's original, and I love it! Just a suggestion though: You might want to explain the girl's thoughts more when the woman is coming after her to make the scene more intense. Very good though! :)

Pregnant and alone what can make me feel better?

Hey everyone, I'm 20 years old and I'm 11w 5d pregnant. I was dating the father for a couple months before i got pregnant and after I told him he wanted me to abort. I chose not to and of coarse he stopped talking to me. To add insult to injury I found out he was married. I let his wife know and she warned me that he would have nothing to do with my child and pressed abortion again even offering to pay for it. Now I'm starting to feel like crap knowing that my child is not gonna grown up with a father and im gonna be going through my whole pregnancy alone. Any suggestions on something that will lift my spirits? Thank you.

Babies first birthday?

My daughter's first birthday is coming up and i have no clue what to do. My parents are divorced and hate each other and my apartment is way too small. either parents house is out because the other one will have a fit. I am on a budget and it is waaaaaay too hot to do it outside around where i live. some ideas would be great. please dont tell me to just tell family to get over it because no matter how many times you say it they wont and i just want her to have a fun birthday with all her grandparents peacefully.